
Connect Chattanooga Business Directory - Connecting People and Businesses in Chattanooga!

Description was created with one idea in mind: Connect people and businesses in Chattanooga . We had a vision of a site in which people and businesses in Chattanooga could get together to exchange business ideas, articles, consumer help and web sites. With this goal in mind, Connect Chattanooga was born.

Get people together and help promote business to individuals or companies who are in need of services and information. Connect Chattanooga strives to provide articles, premier listings, affordable advertising, a monthly newsletter with helpful hints for business owners and a complete directory of websites in the Chattanooga area.

The site was created and is hosted by Suncoast Networks. The design team as well as the company's founder are all Chattanooga natives and still do business in this great city. We want to provide internet related services for businesses and people in Chattanooga. We provide web hosting and design packages that are customized for your needs. All in one place .

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