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Information that we automatically receive: iBill receives and stores certain information whenever you download web pages, or send us e-mail or forms. For example, iBill employs "cookie" technology. We do this so that we can recognize you when you re-visit our URLs. Additionally, we identify the numerical IP address assigned to your computer by your Internet Service Provider.

E-mail Correspondence: iBill often requests a confirmation when you receive and open an e-mail communication delivered by iBill. We archive all e-mail sent in and out of our network, and we identify the origination IP address of all mail sent into our network. We require that you refrain from "forging headers" or sending "SPAM".

Information from third parties: From time to time, iBill requests and receives information from third parties and compares it to the information that you have provided. The main purpose for this is that of loss prevention.

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