
people with disabilities, seniors, independence, Creative Opportunities and Reality Expressions


Creative Opportunities and Reality Expressions is a Canadian web site lifestyle company that distributes products and services to people with disabilities, seniors and families. In October 1997 we held our first meeting with the assistance of CEEP (Community Entrepreneurial Enterprises Project). CEEP, which consists of some board members of Erinoak Rehabilitation Centre, community members and members of Creative Opportunities and Reality Expressions, was designed to help people with disabilities establish entrepreneurial opportunities for themselves.

Creative Opportunities and Reality Expressions consists of four partners with varying abilities. In order to determine if we could work together as a cohesive unit, the group conducted a pilot project in November 1997. They purchased 150 designer mugs with an artistic rendering of a wheelchair with the slogan "The Faster The Better" to raise capital funds for future business opportunities and give group members the chance to gain business experience. This stock was sold out in two weeks, packaged and delivered by the members. During this period, the group learned how to work together, supported each other and shared tasks so that each could accomplish their goal.

The slogan "The Faster The Better" has double meaning to all the members, both as individuals and as business partners. We feel that the slogan is a representation of how we view the growth of our company's development in the past, present and future. "The Faster The Better" also expresses how the company intends to provide products and services to its customers.

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Creative Opportunities and Reality Expressions
Oakville ON
1 905 8493672

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