Tina Williams-Wolf has been an advocate of Homeopathy for over 20 years; since becoming intrigued with it’s healing power with her own three children. Currently, she is in private practice as a Classical Homeopath and is registered with the State of Arizona Board of Medical Examiners as a Homeopathic Medical Assistant (HMA).

A graduate of the American Medical College of Homeopathy, Tina studied under the acclaimed Dr. Todd Rowe. Her advanced education has included study under such world-renowned homeopaths such as Jeff Baker of Hawaii and Massimo Mangavalori of Italy.

In addition to her private practice, Tina is currently on faculty at the American Medical College of Homeopathy. Tina Williams-Wolf's homeopathic practice is supervised by Todd Rowe, MD, MD(H), CCH, DHt.

Tina is also an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) and is experienced with mothers, infants and children.

Classical Homeopathy is a system of natural medicine, based upon the ancient principal of 'like cures like' located in Portland, Oregon. Homeopathic remedies are made from plant, animal and mineral sources, making Homeopathy safe, effective and gentle, helping the body to heal itself.

Homeopathy is truly a science of medicine. Our knowledge of what each medicine may be used to cure is based in over 200 years of double blind, controlled studies of each substance, given to a group of healthy individuals. There are over 3000 proven Homeopathic remedies to date. Each remedy is, in and of itself, like an individual. The set of symptoms associated with each remedy creates a constellation, or picture, of a person. The Classical Homeopath seeks to carefully match you with your very own unique remedy, based not only on all your seemingly unrelated physical symptoms, but also with your personality and nature as a unique individual.

In this way, Homeopathy is truly holistic, treating the whole person -- mentally, emotionally as well as physically.

Unlike conventional medicine, which seeks to eliminate symptoms and manage the illness, taking each symptom as a separate part of the system to be eliminated.

Homeopathy is effective. When the correct remedy is taken, results can be complete and permanent.

Homeopathy is completely safe. Even babies and pregnant women can use homeopathy without the danger of side effects, interactions with prescription drugs, herbs or vitamins.

Homeopathy is natural. Homeopathic remedies are normally based on natural ingredients.

Homeopathy works in harmony with your immune system. Unlike some conventional medicines which suppress the immune system. For example, cough medicines suppress the cough reflex, which is your body's attempt to clear the lungs.

Homeopathic remedies are not addictive. Once relief is felt, you should stop taking them. If no relief is felt, you are probably taking the wrong remedy.

Homeopathy is holistic -- it treats all the symptoms as one picture. In practical terms, means that it addresses the root cause, not just the symptoms. This often means that symptoms alleviated by homeopathy do not recur.

Homeopathy can also be used as a compliment to conventional treatment. For example in the case of severe asthma, it would not be safe to abruptly stop an allopathic medication. Often homeopathy makes weaning off allopathic medicines possible.

Just some of the Ailments Treated by Homeopathy:


   * Acne
   * Allergies
   * Gall Bladder
   * Arthritis
   * Asthma
   * Asperger Syndrome
   * Autism
   * Cancer
   * Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
   * Chemical Sensitivities
   * Fibromyalgia
   * Anxiety
   * Depression
   * Stress
   * Mood Disorder
   * Head Aches/Migraines
   * Bi-polar disorder
   * Insomnia
   * Sleep Apnea
   * Constipation
   * Diarrhea
   * Irritable Bowel Syndrome
   * Ulcers
   * Colitis
   * Gastritis
   * Sinusitis
   * Coughs
   * Colds
   * Flu
   * Bronchitis
   * Pneumonia
   * Sore throat
   * Eczema
   * Psoriasis
   * Hives
   * Epilepsy
   * Warts
   * Thyroid
   * Kidney and Urinary Tract Infection
   * Drug and Alcohol Addiction


   * Teething
   * Colic
   * Fever
   * Ear infections
   * Tonsillitis
   * Asthma
   * Autism
   * Asperger Syndrome
   * Attention Deficient Disorder (ADD)
   * Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
   * Behavior disorder
   * Immunizations
   * Bedwetting
   * Growing pains
   * Chicken Pox
   * Mumps
   * Measles
   * Whooping cough
   * Jaundice


   * Pregnancy
   * Breastfeeding
   * Menopause
   * Menstrual symptoms
   * Pre-menstrual Syndrome (PMS)
   * Hormone Imbalance
   * Endometriosis
   * Candida

Acute or Self-limiting:

   * Colds
   * Coughs
   * Sore Throat
   * Fever
   * Flu
   * Insect bites and stings
   * Indigestion
   * Poison Ivy & Oak
   * Broken bones
   * Injury
   * Trauma
   * Sunburn
   * Sunstroke
   * Shock
   * Bruises

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