
Chainsaw carving - chainsaw bears - chainsaw wood carving art


David Westberg was born and raised in Montana. Spending his early years among the beautiful forests of the Montana " Big "Sky" helped to inspire his love of nature and specifically the natural beauty of tree.

He started wood carving as a child when his grandfather gave him his first pocket knife. The two would spend countless moments together sitting and whittling. This proved to be the inspiration for a future of wood sculpturing for David.

David began hand wood carving in high school and continued to improve his talent thru his college years. Establishing himself as an accomplished wood sculptor and carver, in 1994 he decided to try his hand at a unique form of wood carving, usually only seen in rural communities and small towns across the US. The art of chainsaw carving appealed to him for its blend of style involving the sheer power of a chainsaw and the artistic finesse of the carver. The ability to create something so beautifully detailed out of wood, with a tool normally used to splinter wood, appeals to the imagination — not only of the artists who work in this medium, but the enthralled audience who watches wood become transformed into chainsaw art in the hand of this skilled craftsman.

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Jason Bibb (
summersville WV
US 26651

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