Oriental Rug Store Chicago IL

Caspian Oriental Rugs

Caspian Oriental Rugs is one of the largest stores for handmade rugs in the Chicago area. At our custom Oriental rug store, we work with many designers to create custom rugs to fit the needs of our customers perfectly. With over forty years of experience as a professional Oriental rug store, we have built our reputation on providing the highest-quality products and a superior customer service experience.

We are equipped with state-of-the-art machinery with a large variety of quality material at our recommended Oriental rug store, and also offer services such as handwash cleaning, rug restoration, rug repair, rug appraisals and dry cleaning. Anything you can imagine for a rug, we do it.

Come by our nearby Oriental rug store and find out how we can provide you with your ideal Persian rug, Turkish rug, Pakistani rug, Chinese rug, Indian rug, Egyptian rug or other Oriental rug. As an experienced Oriental rug store, we educate our clients on imported rugs and modern rugs so they can know more about the products they are considering, and we also sell and buy used rugs. Connect with the quality Oriental Rug Store Chicago, IL homes trust for the best expertise – call Caspian Oriental Rugs at 312-664-7576 and bring the luxury of the East to your home.


For a custom Oriental rug store that is one of the largest stores for handmade rugs in the Chicago area, call Caspian Oriental Rugs at 312-664-7576 and bring the luxury of the East to your home. We offer the following services: handmade rugs oriental rugs Persian rug handwash cleaning rug restoration rug repair Turkish rug Pakistani rug Chinese rug Indian rug Egyptian rug appraisals rug appraisals used rugs buy used rugs sale used rugs imported rugs custom rugs modern rugs[[Category:]]

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