website design based out of Brentwood Tennessee


cabedge | interactive design, digital branding (& other stuff)


about us

Appropriately enough, on April Fools Day in 2001, was officially born. Since then we've done work for companies like National Geographic, Tylenol, ExxonMobil, Broadcast Music Incorporated (BMI), Band-Aid, Cracker Barrel, Johnson & Johnson, Playtex, Kroger, LEGO, New York City Blood Bank, Saturn, Shoney's, Unilever, Vanderbilt University, and The Washington Post (to name a few).

We use our technical knowledge and our design expertise to develop strategic marketing tools with a user-centric focus. Whether it is a big ecommerce project that handles inventory management or a simple sales presentation which explains the benefits of a company's services, they are both just tools for communicating an idea or delivering a message. We make tools that make communicating more efficient. Because what good is a tool if you can't understand how it works?

We create campaigns that push messages and get results. Beyond the utilitarian aspects of design, we’re artists. Artists who understand how colors “speak.” Artists who can explain their passion about the intricacies of a particular serif, while remembering the importance of good R.O.I., and who think that a strong brand is more about image consistency than a pretty logo.

Our technical group consists of a unique blend of experience. We have a resident “old timer” who can still recite code from his Commodore 64 days. We also have the generation x-ers who don’t feel many of the constraints from the early days of the Web because they practically grew up surfing. They are the guys who constantly push technology as far as it will go and urge you to keep up.

Then we have outside contractors, for when we need a certain something “extra” or “different.” Whether it be media buying, high end videography, copywriting, snake charming, or calf roping… It isn’t that we couldn’t do it, or that we wouldn’t love to try… It is most often a case of a unique style or plain old efficiencies. So there you have it… If we can’t do it, we will find someone who can.

Good design matters. Good communication matters more. Brand integrity is very important to the success of any message. If consistency is what makes a brand, inconsistency weakens it. If your brand already has a strong presence in your market, you won’t be pushed into any drastic changes just so we can stroke our own egos and add something to our portfolio. We’ll work together to discover new ways of enhancing what you already have.

On the other hand, if the brand is weak, or nonexistent, we can help there, too. What is good design without usability? A pretty project is nothing unless people can quickly and easily find the information they’re looking for. That’s why we stress design as an overall communications strategy, (yes, that probably sounds like one of those cheesy sales pitch phrases, but it is true). The magic word is “results.” If we can help focus the structure and message, the target audience is more likely to understand it. If they find it visually appealing in the process… even better.

Since cabedge's opening, our work has achieved the honors of Communication Arts’ Site of the Week, Yahoo’s New and Notable, and was chosen as a USA Today “Hot Site.” In the early days, our little studio was even a feature for Design Interact, Communication Arts’ sister online publication. And later, Chris Blanz (head of cabedge) was asked to contribute thoughts for their insights column. also had some nice things to say about the site we did for Griffin Technology.

Sites like,,,,,, and , have also contributed to our success in a big way, and to the success of our clients, too. A showcase on these sites certainly gets a company recognition in the marketplace. But even better, the fact that they all have such a high volume of traffic gains recognition from the search engines… thereby helping our client’s ranking when someone does a little ‘Googlin’.

In addition, various other design publications, portals, and organizations have been extremely generous with their praise. Accolades from the American Advertising Federation’s ADDY Awards have been abundant… Over 40 in all since 2001. Feierabend Press, a German publisher, highlighted in their 2004 book, Websites, 100% Loaded and AVA Publishing, a Swiss publisher, showcased in their 2003 book, The Perfect Digital Portfolio.

In addition to making good looking, dynamic websites, we do all kinds of other things… identity design, print design, Internet video, search engine registration, hosting, etc. You name it, whatever the need, we can help… or we can help you find the expertise you need. It just depends on how that particular need affects or is affected by the Internet.

You see, we really believe that a company’s Internet presence can function as the hub of all marketing. There’s only so much you can say in a :30 television spot. Same goes for a print ad. Eventually, you run out of air time or space on the page. That’s where something as simple as a link to Internet presence can help extend the reach of a campaign.

The big idea behind cabedge is that we use our technical knowledge and our design expertise to develop strategic marketing tools with a user-centric focus. Whether it is a big ecommerce project that handles inventory management, or a simple sales presentation which explains the benefits of a company’s services, they are both just tools for communicating an idea or delivering a message. We make tools that make communicaion more efficient. Because what good is a tool if you can’t understand how it works?




335 Main Street, Suite 200
Franklin TN 37064 US


Chris A. Blanz
+1 615 595 7245

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